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China Blocks Game of Plague Inc. from the App Store – China officially blocked the game Plague Inc. from the App store, the decision is taken by the agency Cyberspace Administration of China who say that the game content is illegal. In his latest post, Ndemic Creations mention that the withdrawal decision is beyond their authority.

Ndemic Creations as the developer of the game Plague Inc. struggling to make Chinese gamers able to play the game, but given that their status is only a developer there is not much that can be done. Ndemic Creations claimed to have contacted agencies related to the Chinese government regarding this matter. But keep in mind, this withdrawal only occurs for Chinese territory. Plague Inc. itself is still available to other parts of the world.

The players descended on the platform Weibo which is similar Twitter China to criticize the decision to withdraw the game. “I’ve been playing Plague Inc for a long time, I’m so mad! It taught us to wash our hands frequently and protect ourselves… Honestly, I learned a lot about infectious diseases from this game, ”wrote one. Others said “an application to join Apple’s chief executive (Communist) Party Tim Cook has been submitted. “

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