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Chong, the newest hero fighter in Mobile Legends who can turn into a dragon!

After some time ago Moonton presented the New Marksman Hero, Popol and Kupa on the original Mobile Legends server. This time we have a new Hero with a Role Fighter named Chong. Uniquely, the newest Hero fighter can change form into a Dragon, you know. Yes, that’s right, you didn’t hear it wrong, buddy GameZeRO. Interestingly, when using the ultimate and turning into a dragon, he will not receive any damage.

Chong itself has been officially released and you can play it on Advance Server Mobile Legends. However, for those of you who want to play this one hero on the Original Server Mobile Legends, it seems that you have to wait. Because this new hero will be released after Luo Yi’s mage, which will be released after May 16. So, it is likely that the Hero will be present on the Original Server in around 1-2 months. So, what about the skills? Chong himself has 4 active skills and 1 passive skill. For more details, here is the explanation.

Passive Skill – Cursing Touch: Chong can provide mark to the opponent when attacking and when mark reach 5 (max) Chong will receive a passive that increases attack speed and spell vamp amounted to 25% for himself. In addition, if the opponent dies while still in possession mark this, Chong will regenerate 25% of his total HP.

The appearance of the New Hero Fighter Chong Mobile Legends via Gamebrott

Skill 1 – Dragon Tail: In his first skill is to change the cloak he is wearing into a weapon. When activated, Chong will spin and Damage given the shape of a circle around himself. The enemy will only receive 40% damage if it is in the middle of Chong’s circle.

Skill 2 – Soul Grip: provide physical damage on all enemies in front and slow them down. Chong can pull the enemy hit by the dragon soul closer to him. Not only that, even the enemy will be hit stun and knock back.

Skill 3 – Furious Dive: Chong jumps to the designated location with full force and deals damage. After a while, enemies in the area of ​​effect will be knocked down by airborne and receive additional physical damage.

Ultimate – Black Dragon Form: Chong will transform into Black Dragon form and start charging. While he was in Black Dragon form, he ignored the attacks from the enemy, and delivered knock back to enemies in its path.

When Chong returned to his human form, the remaining influence of the Black Dragon increased all skill Chong for the next 10 seconds. So, after all changed skill Chong will get additional area expansion as well damage.

What’s more, all the effects of the Chong skill are quite annoying, because players will be subject to slow, knock-up, knock back and overall stun effects. And Chong himself will certainly be very OP.

So what do you think, friend GameZeRO about the new Hero fighter, Chong Mobile Legends, presented by Moonton? Of course, it is very unique and interesting, right?

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