Dota 2 Gold Bug, Players Cannot Purchase Items in the Game

Dota 2 Gold Bug, Players Cannot Purchase Items in the GameWho is not familiar with this legendary PC game, Dota 2 is one of the many PC games that can be said to be quite successful in the gaming industry in the world.
The popularity of Dota 2 makes this game can continue to exist today, amidst so many threats from Android games that are currently spreading among gamers, this one game is still able to provide something different that can make the players feel at home. .
By continuing to provide various services for interesting events, conducting regular maintenance and providing interesting updates that have successfully made this game worldwide and become one of the games with an Esport climate that is quite popular today.
Dota 2 Gold Bug, Players Cannot Purchase Items in the Game
With various great achievements from this game made by Valve, it does not mean that they can relax and enjoy the fruits of their hard work right now, because according to reports currently circulating, Dota 2 is having a bug that is quite disturbing to the players.
As reported by the SpectacularShoelance report, a Reddit forum user, he explained that he had found a gold bug where this bug appeared when he was picking a hero.

Furthermore, regarding this gold bug, he explained that this bug appeared during the hero pick process where suddenly the enemy also chose the same hero and the selected hero was immediately banned automatically.
Not quite there, this bug also resulted in his teammates unable to pick the hero and lost gold mysteriously in the amount of minus 20 gold, even when the game started this bug was quite annoying.
Because players affected by this bug get quite a lot of initial gold, but all of this gold cannot be used to buy any item, with this report I hope the Dota 2 developers can fix this problem immediately.
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