Epic Games Store Finally Adds Wishlist Features for Users!

After all this time, finally Epic Games Store is now adding a new feature, namely the wishlist that users have been waiting for for games they want (plan to) buy on their digital Store Platform.
Through the Epic Games Store web page with the title “Wishlist are here”, they announced that now you can give or mark the game you want, and you will be notified when the game will be given a promo or a discount by the Epic Games Store in the future.

So, how to add the game is fairly easy. The reason is, all you have to do is press the heart button next to ‘Buy Now’ and after pressing the button, the game you want will be included in the Wishlist list which can be accessed from this link.
Even though it is only a small feature, the presence of this Wishlist feature is one of the things that must be presented in a store / store or marketplace, where it is a sign that we will buy an item or buy the game if we already have the funds to buy it.
Hopefully in the future, more and more features will be presented by Epic Games on the Epic Games Store. So, let’s just wait, guys!
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