Mobile Legends: Bug Overpowered Wan-Wan

For those of you who are already in the tier Mythic Maybe you are familiar with this one hero, wan-wan is one of the marksman who is currently being meta and is often banned in match ranked at high tier, what makes this marksman to watch out for is his ultimate. Ultimate wan-wan generally can spend two or even five enemies at once, not only that when the woman is doing the ultimate process, this hero switches to immune mode which means you can’t give her even a little damage.
It turns out that apart from being a meta this season, the hero has a bug that makes him even stronger Moonton even if you don’t know it yet. This bug was discovered by a YouTuber named Hororo-chan, if you are curious about what the bug looks like, you can immediately click the video below.
Hopefully parties Moonton Quickly respond to bugs on this one hero, because this hero is included in the meta category if you add a bug that can strengthen the hero, isn’t this unfair?
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