The presence of Seraphine League of Legends

It’s not called Riot Games if it doesn’t always bring out something new. Previously, their party had presented a virtual character named Seraphine. The characters are here to entertain the players with songs and some cover songs so that players can relax more in playing League of Legends. Because of this, several questions arise, will Seraphine be appointed as the new Hero in League of Legends?
Well, recently Riot Games has officially announced that Seraphine will be the new Hero. The announcement was rightly announced at the last Worlds 2021. The release of Seraphine is also accompanied by the appearance of a K / DA ALL OUT skin. This hero himself will get a Prestige skin and directly become a member of K / DA.
Unfortunately, there has been no official notification from Riot Games for the use of what skills and abilities this Hero has. But don’t be discouraged, Seraphine will be present on the Test Server at the end of October. Not infrequently many players also crave this Seraphine acting as Role Support and Midlaner. How do you respond to GameZero friends, will this Hero enter the Meta rankings? We’ll just wait!
Source: DotEsports
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