Tirta Game Has Entered the Pre-Alpha Stage

Agate is a Tirta game developer from Indonesia, this game has been listed as one of the games that will be on the PlayStation 5 last October. This game is targeted for release on next-gen consoles in 2022. So far, Tirta is still in the pre-alpha stage of development and until now there are still no obstacles that hinder it.
“The process of making Tirta games has reached the pre-alpha phase, only 20 percent of the development period. We are also actively looking for partners to be able to build this game together, “said CMO & CCO Agate, Igor Tanzil.
Tirta will be based on Indonesian culture, namely Balinese culture. This game features an exploration of ancient ruins and temples on the island of Bali. With a number of puzzles and challenges to conquer along the way. Due to the emphasis on exploration, the gameplay in this game is expected to be like the Legend of Zelda series.
Besides being developed by Agate, Tirta will be assisted by Telkom through Oollean. It is hoped that the games made by the nation’s children can be exhibited on an international scale.
“The challenge in making this game is because this game is a new genre that we are working on. So that in the development process, we are very careful in the pipeline formation, design, and gameplay mechanism. ” explained Agate VP Consumer Games, Cipto Adiguna.
Tirta is the latest project from Agate, the Indonesian studio behind the game Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story for PS4, Steam and Nintendo Switch, as well as mobile games such as Code Atma and Esports King.
The success of this game will be a new achievement for Agate and the Indonesian game industry as it produces work on next-gen consoles.
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