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Because of the glitch, Activision removes all vehicles in Call of Duty: Warzone!

Call of Duty: Warzone
Call of Duty: Warzone

Nothing man-made is perfect, maybe that’s what happened recently in the game Call of Duty: Warzone. The glitch on all of these vehicles made the game crash, so that Activision-also deleted all vehicles in the game.

The funny thing is, when the glitch occurs all players in the same room will crash. This was first discovered by a Youtuber named JGOD, he reported this because he was annoyed with the glitch he was experiencing.

Source: Tech4Gamers

It seems that this glitch problem is a nightmare for the developer. The reason is that they immediately decided to delete all vehicles instead of doing maintenance in the near future considering the total downloads have reached 50 million downloads.

Given that in this game, vehicles are an important aspect. However, until now, there has been no update from the developer when the glitch will be fixed. Don’t forget to see other interesting info here, Gamers!

Source: Indozone

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