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Riot Games Forces These Players To Change Their Name!

A player on League of Legends who has been active for six years was informed by Riot on April 1st that he needs to change his username, “Corona.”

Because at this time the name contains a sensitive element. The League of Legends gamer was forced to change his name by Riot Games. He named his age, Joao Corona, even though the Corona in question was a brand name for beer.

He even asked if they would ban the use of the name “pig” as a username during the swine flu outbreak, prompting a “snarky” reply.

Apart from that, the name also shows that “corona” is just a word. In Spanish, it means “crown”.

The reason also makes sense, but it makes the general public think that Riot will look for trouble head on. In addition, the user with the “Corona” username seems to have swapped tweets, which ultimately sparked off to the DM conversation.

League of Legends

It is only natural for the Riot Games to act, because the sentence “Corona” is categorized as a sensitive issue at this time.

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